Jeffrey Swigert
Assistant Professor of Economics
Department of Economics, Marketing, and Analytics
Leavitt School of Business
Southern Utah University
ECON 2010 - Principles of Microeconomics
This course is an introduction to economics, a social science that studies how people make choices under conditions of scarcity. Microeconomics focuses on the decisions of individual consumers and firms. This course will teach you fundamental concepts and methods in microeconomics, enabling you to perform simple yet insightful analysis of economic behavior.
This course satisfies the University's Social Science GE requirement
Textbook: Principles of Microeconomics by Gregory Mankiw, 9th Edition
ECON 2500 - Quantitative Methods
An introduction to applied quantitative methods for business and economics. Spreadsheets are used extensively as a modeling tool. Main topics include introductions to algebra, differential calculus, mathematical programming and data and regression analysis.
This course is required for Business Students
Textbook: Quantitative Methods by Joshua A. Price